Choi Yong is named after General Choi Yong, Premier and Commander in Chief of the Armed forces during the 14th century, Koryo Dynasty.
Choi Yong was greatly respected for his loyalty, patriotism, and humility.
He was executed by his subordinate commanders, headed by General Yi Sung Gae, who later became the first king of the Yi (Lee) Dynasty.
46 movements
Begin in close ready stance C.
1. Move left foot forward to a left cat stance B-x -A to D with left forearm guarding block
2. Left high middle knuckle fist thrust to D;
3. Pivot right to right cat stance to C with right forearm guarding block; C
4. Right high middle knuckle fist thrust to C;
5. Move right foot on line C-D as pivot left and move left foot to left walking stance to D with left knife-hand high block;
6. Right inner forearm circular block to DA, flexing the right knee slightly;
7. Left middle punch to D;
8. Move left foot on line C-D, pivot right and move right foot to right walking stance to C with right knife-hand high block;
9. Left inner forearm circular block to BD, flexing the left knee slightly;
10. Right middle punch to C;
11. Move right foot on line C-D, pivot left as left foot slips to left sparring stance to D with low left knife-hand guarding block;
12. Right roundhouse kick to D; lower right foot to side front of left foot; continue …
13. Left high reverse hooking kick to D; immediately …
14. Left side kick to D (perform 13 and 14 in a double kick);
15. Lower left foot to left walking stance to D with right elbow smash striking the left palm with the right elbow;
16. Move left foot on line C-D, pivot right and move the right foot to right sparring stance to C with low right knife-hand guarding block;
17. Left roundhouse kick to C; lower foot to side front of the right foot; continue …
18. Right high reverse hooking kick to C; immediately …
19. Right side kick to C (perform 18 and 19 in a double kick);
20. Lower right foot to right walking stance to C with left elbow smash striking the right palm with the left elbow;
21. Move left foot to left walking stance to C with right low pressing block (left palm up at end to counterbalance), continue …
22. Move right foot to right walking stance to C with left low pressing block;
23. Move right foot back to D, pivot left on right foot turning counter-clockwise and move the left foot to left walking stance to D with outward knife-hand W block;
24. Right front snap kick to D, keeping the position of the hands as in 23;
25. Lower right foot back toward C to left sparring stance to D with left forearm guarding block;
26. Move right foot to right walking stance to O with outward knife-hand W block;
27. Left front snap kick to 0, keeping the position of the hands as in 26;
28. Lower left foot toward 0 as pivot right on the right foot to right sparring stance to C with right forearm guarding block:
29. Move left foot forward to C and then move the right foot forward to C and then pivot right on the right foot turning clockwise and slide to C to end in right sparring stance to C with right forearm guarding block:
30. Move left foot to left walking stance to 0 with high left flat fingertip thrust;
31. Move left foot on line C-0, pivot right and move the right foot to right walking stance to C with high right flat fingertip thrust;
32. Pull right foot back as pivot right on the left foot to parallel stance on line C facing B with right palm hooking block toward B, left ready fist; continue …
33. Left middle punch to B in parallel stance;
34. Pivot right on the left foot to right bending stance on the left foot toward A (right foot cocked toward A) with right forearm guarding block;
35. Right side piercing kick to A;
36. Lower the right foot in a jumping motion to A ending in right X-stance with right back-fist strike to A bringing the left finger-belly to the right side fist;
37. Pivot right on the left foot and right reverse hooking kick to B;
38. Lower right foot to B in a stamping motion to right sparring stance to B with right knife-hand side strike to B;
39. Pull left foot back as pivot left on the right foot to parallel stance on line C facing A with left hooking block toward A, right ready fist; continue …
40. Right middle punch to A;
41. Pivot left on the right foot to left bending stance on the right foot toward B with left forearm guarding block;
42. Left side piercing kick to B;
43. Lower left foot in a jumping motion to B ending in left X-stance with left back-fist strike to B bringing the right finger-belly to the left side fist;
44. Pivot left on the right foot and left reverse hooking kick to A;
45. Lower left foot to A in a stamping motion to left sparring stance to A with left knife-hand side strike to A;
46. Pivot left on the left foot as move the right foot to A and slide to right fixed stance to A with right jab, (Ki-hap!)
End. Bring right foot back to close ready stance C.