3rd Dan Main

Self Defense

Step Sparing




Yoo-Sin is named after General Kim Yoo Sin, a commanding general during the Silla Dynasty. The 68 movements refer to the last two figures of 668 C.E., the year Korea was united. The ready posture in this form signifies a sword being drawn from the right rather than the left, symbolising Yoo Sin’s mistake of following the kings orders to fight with foreign forces against his own nation.

68 movements

Begin in parallel ready stance with right finger-belly
on left vertical fist at right side of belt.

1. Move the left foot to B as cross both palms inward in front of neck to sitting stance with both elbows thrusting to the sides horizontally with palms down;
2. Left high punch over right shoulder and right back elbow thrust toward C as look over right shoulder while sliding to A in the sitting stance, immediately …
3. Right high punch over left shoulder and left back elbow thrust toward C as look over left shoulder while sliding to B, maintaining the sitting stance toward D;
4. Right palm hooking block toward D, maintaining the left ready fist while raising the body slightly; continue …
5. Left middle punch to Das body lowers in the sitting stance;
6. Left palm hooking block toward D pulling the right ready fist to the belt while raising the body slightly; continue …
7. Right middle punch to Das body lowers in sitting stance;
8. Move left foot to left walking stance toward F with left high outer forearm block;
9. Right inner forearm circular block toward E, flexing the right knee slightly;
10. Pivot right on both feet to sitting stance toward E with left palm scooping block to E as body raises slightly; immediately …

11. Right middle punch to E as body lowers in sitting stance;
12. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to right walking stance toward E with right high outer forearm block;
13. Left inner forearm circular block toward F, flexing the left knee slightly;
14. Pivot left on both feet to sitting stance toward F with right palm scooping block to Fas body raises slightly; immediately …
15. Left middle punch to Fas body lowers in sitting stance;
16. Pivot left on both feet to left walking stance to B with right high palm hooking block toward F; continue …
17. Pivot right on both feet to sitting stance toward F with left middle punch to F; continue …
18. Pivot right on both feet to right walking stance to E with left high palm hooking block toward F; continue …
19. Pivot left on both feet to sitting stance toward F with right middle punch to F;
20. Move the right foot back toward C to left walking stance to D with a downward X-pressing block with both fists (right wrist over left); immediately …
21. Raise hands to X knife-hand high block to D in left walking stance to D flexing the right knee slightly (maintaining right wrist over left);
22. Lower the hands to in front of the neck and then right middle punch to D slipping the left knife-hand finger-belly onto the top of the right elbow;
23. Right front snap kick to D, keeping the position of the hands as in 22;
24. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to D with left middle punch to D;
25. Downward X-pressing block with both fists (left wrist over right), maintaining right walking stance, immediately …
26. Raise hands to X-knife-hand high block to D in right walking stance to D flexing the left knee slightly (left wrist over right);
27. Lower the hands to in front of the neck and left middle punch to D slipping the right knife-hand finger-belly onto the top of the left elbow;
28. Left front snap kick to D, keeping the position of the hands as in 27;
29. Lower the left foot to left walking stance to D with right middle punch to D:
30. Move the right foot to right sparring stance to D with right knife-hand guarding block; immediately …
31. Move left foot to left sparring stance to D with left knife-hand guarding block;
32. Move the left foot back toward C to right sparring stance to D with right knifehand guarding block; immediately …
33. Move the right foot back toward C to left sparring stance to D with left knifehand guarding block;
34. Move the right foot to right walking stance to D with right double inner forearm block; immediately …
35. Left forearm low block, keeping the right inner forearm block as in 34;
36. Move the left foot to left walking stance to D with left double inner forearm block; immediately …
37. Right forearm low block, keeping the left inner forearm block as in 36;
38. Move right foot to right walking stance with right middle punch to D (Ki-hap!);
39. Pivot left on right foot as left foot moves to left sparring stance toward C with left reverse ridge-hand block to C and right ready fist:
40. Slowly bring the right foot to the left foot to close ready stance C (right knifehand fingertips over left knife-hand fingertips) facing C;
41. Move the right foot toward B in a stamping motion to right walking stance with a twin fist upset punch;
42. Bring the right foot back to the left foot and then move the left foot toward A in a stamping motion to left walking stance with twin fist upset punch;
43. Bring the left foot back to the right foot and then move the right foot to right sparring stance to F with right inner forearm side block toward F;
44. Left middle punch toward B;
45. Bring the left foot to the right foot (pivot on right foot) to a close stance toward C in slow motion as bring the right fist in front of the left chest and the left ready fist to the left side of the belt;
46. Move the left foot to left sparring stance to E with left inner forearm side block toward E;
47. Right middle punch toward A;
48. Bring the right foot to the left foot (pivot on left foot) to a close stance toward C in slow motion as bring the left fist in front of the right chest and the right ready fist to the right side of the belt;
49. Move the left foot to left fixed stance to E with twin U-shaped punch toward E; immediately …
50. Bring the left foot to the right foot, pivot left on the left foot and move the right foot to right fixed stance to E with twin U-shaped punch toward E;
51. Move the right foot on line C-D in a stamping motion to sitting stance facing E with high right front backhand strike toward E, bringing the back of the left wrist to under the right elbow; continue …
52. Right inward waving kick, returning to sitting stance with right outer forearm block toward C, keeping the left wrist under the right elbow; continue …
53. Left inward waving kick returning to sitting stance with right inner forearm inward block toward D, still keeping the left wrist under the right elbow;
54. Right backhand side strike to C remaining in sitting stance;
55. Pivot right and left crescent kick inward to strike the right palm; immediately …
56. Left side piercing kick to C;
57. Lower the left foot toward C to sitting stance on line C-D facing B with left backhand side strike to C;
58. Pivot left and right crescent kick inward to strike the left palm; immediately …
59. Right side piercing kick to C;
60. Lower the right foot toward C to sitting stance on line C-D facing A with right 9- shaped block; continue …
61. Change the position of the hands to left 9-shaped block;
62. Pivot right on the right foot as move the left foot toward C to a sitting stance on line C-D facing B with a right 9-shaped block; continue …
63. Change the position of the hands to left 9-shaped block;
64. Pull the left foot toward the right foot to right natural stance with a right hammerfist downward strike toward D;
65. Move the right foot backwards toward A to left walking stance to B with high twin vertical punch;
66. Pivot left on the left foot as move the right foot around toward B turning counter-clockwise to left walking stance to A with high twin vertical punch;
67. Bring the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to left sparring stance toward F with left knife-hand guarding block;
68. Bring the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to right sparring stance toward E with right knife-hand guarding block, (Ki-hap!).
End Bring the right foot back to ready stance.