Choong-Jang is one of the 2nd degree black belt forms used in ITF-styletaekwondo. Choong Jang is said to be the pseudonym given to General Kim Duk Ryang who lived during the Yi Dynasty (14th Century). This pattern ends with a left-hand attack, intending to symbolize the tragedy of his death at age 27 in prison.
(pronounced “Choong Jung’)
52 movements
Begin at C facing front in high close ready stance A
(as if holding sword mouth high).
1. Move right foot to A to sitting stance facing D with Inner forearm outward side block and left forearm low block at the same time;
2. Change the position of the hands;
3. Slowly bring the right foot to the left foot as bring the left fist to in front of right shoulder and right ready fist in slow motion facing D;
4. Move left foot to left walking stance to D with high right two finger thrust;
5. Move right foot to right walking stance to D with high left two finger thrust;
6. Right front back fist strike, bringing the left back of fist under the right elbow;
7. Move the left foot to left walking stance to D with left high forearm block;
8. Move the right foot to right walking stance to D with right middle punch;
9. Pivot left on the left foot as move the right foot around to C and slide to C to form left sparring stance facing D with left forearm guarding block to D;
10. Right front snap kick to D;
11. Lower right foot to right walking stance to D with high right flat fingertip thrust to D;
12. Drop onto both hands and the left knee with right high turning kick to D;
13. Lower the right foot to D as pivot right on the left knee with right high punch to D moving the left palm on the floor to shoulder width beside the right foot;
14. Stand up and pivot right on the right foot as move the left foot to D to right sparring stance facing C with left elbow thrust backwards toward D;
15. Pivot right on the right foot as move the left foot to C to right sparring stance facing D with right forearm guarding block;
16. Move the right foot back toward C to left sparring stance facing D with left circular palm scooping block to D;
17. Move the left foot back toward C to right sparring stance facing D with right knifehand strike to D;
18. Pivot left on the right foot as move the left foot to left walking stance to C with low X-fist pressing (hammer-fist) block;
19. Right front knee smash to C as pull both hands in the opposite direction;
20. Lower the right foot toward C as pivot left on the left foot to left sparring stance facing D with left knife-hand guarding block to D;
21. Move the right foot to D and slide toward D in left sparring stance facing C with right elbow thrust backwards to D;
22. Pivot right on the left foot as slip the right foot to right sparring stance facing D with right knife-hand guarding block to D;
23. Right side piercing kick to D while pulling both hands to the front of the belt;
24. Lower the right foot toward D near the left foot, pivot left on the right foot to left cat stance (left foot forward) to C with twin palm heel downward butterfly block;
25. Move the right foot to right walking stance to C with right high forearm inward block and high right back-fist strike to C;
26. Pivot left on the right foot and slowly move the left foot to left sparring stance to D with left high flat fingertip thrust to D in slow motion;
27. Right middle front snap kick to D while bringing the right palm onto the back of the left wrist extended toward D as in 26;
28. Lower the right foot toward D as slowly pivot left on the left foot to left walking stance to C while bringing both fists slowly to the right hip (left vertical fist over right ready fist);
29. Move the left foot on line CD in a stamping motion to left sparring stance to C with a left back-hand downward strike to C;
30. Punch the left palm with the right fist;
31. Move the right foot in a stamping motion to right sparring stance to C with right back-hand downward strike to C;
32. Punch the right palm with the left fist;
33. Move the left foot in a stamping motion to left sparring stance to D with left knifehand side strike to D;
34. Slip the left foot to left walking stance to Das strike the left palm with the right straight elbow (vertical) in front of the right chest;
35. Move the right foot in a stamping motion to right sparring stance to D with right knife-hand side strike to D;
36. Slip the right foot to right walking stance to Das strike the right palm with the left straight elbow (vertical) in front of the left chest;
37. Pivot left on the right foot and move the left foot to left sparring stance to C with left low reverse knife-hand guarding block;
38. Slip the left foot to left walking stance to C with right 9-shape block (ending left forearm over right;
39. Pivot right on the left foot and move the right foot to right sparring stance to C with right low reverse knife-hand guarding block;
40. Slip the right foot to right walking stance to C with left 9-shape block (ending right forearm over left);
41. Move the right foot back toward D to left walking stance facing C with double knifehand strikes to the sides horizontally, immediately continue …
42. Right arc-hand strike to C with left ready fist;
43. Right front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as in 42;
44. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to C with left arc-hand strike;
45. Left front snap kick to C, keeping the position of the hands as in 44;
46. Lower left foot to left walking stance to C with right middle punch, immediately …
47. Left middle punch;
48. Bring the right foot to the left foot to close stance toward C with a circular middle finger fore-knuckle twin inward strike to in front of the forehead;
49. Pivot left on the right foot and move the left foot to left walking stance to B with left knife-hand low block, immediately continue …
50. Right open fist strike to B;
51. Move the left foot on line AB, pivot right as move the right foot to right walking stance to A with right knife-hand low block;
52. Left open fist strike to A (Ki-hap!);
End. Bring the left foot to the right foot to close ready stance A