This pattern celebrates the tenth anniversary of the founding of Seikido
at the Victoria Gym in October 1987. The diagram (X) represents ten.
The directions signify the importance of lateral and 45°movements.
The triangle of the heaven hand ready stance signifies the unending
quest for universal truth, and presents the empty hands to the viewer.
(First Dan) 60 movements
Begin in parallel stance with a triangular heaven hand, at x facing front.
1. Slide right foot back to A on line AB to left sparring stance with left knife hand guarding block to B;
2. Lower left hand to a crossed arms block across chest (left palm downward low block to right and right high palm side block to left), immediately …
3. Switch arms to form a right low knife hand block with a left high reverse knife hand outward side block at same time;
4. Slip left foot to left walking stance to B with left palm deflecting block (bring left hand to front of right hip as if gripping Offender’s right forearm), continue …
5. Right elbow smash (face high) toward B, continue forward momentum …
6. Right high side kick to B; lower right foot toward A and continue …
7. Left reverse crescent kick toward B (spin 360°), lower left foot on line AB to right sparring stance to B;
8. Step left foot forward to B with high twin sword arm swing (right outward and left inward slash (Kokyu-Nage), continue pivot right foot tenkan to left hanmi toward A to right sword arms downward extensions 45° toward DA facing A;
9. Slip left foot to left long stance to A with left outward sword arm cut (to elbow) and continue with right reverse sword arm strike (across face) as right foot steps forward to right walking stance to A (Tenchi-Nage), end with both arms palms extended downward 45° to DA;
10. Curl right palm inward and extend both arms to left as both feet pivot left toward B, slip right foot to right long stance to A with right high elbow thrust as pivot right and curl left hand inward and upward (chest high) toward A (Sokumen-Nage) with circular arm extensions to A ending with both palms upward (Ude Otosh1);
11. Left-right jump turning kicks in air to A, end in right sparring stance to A;
12. Slip right foot to A with left twin sword arm circular slash, continue in 45° circle as left foot tenkan 180° to A until left arm points toward C (palm downward) as bring right hand to front of left shoulder at same time (as in lrimi-Nage); continue …
13. Left reverse sword arm upward 45° (as if across face) as right hand presses front of left shoulder (elbow inward), step left foot forward to left walking stance to B to end with left arm palm downward 45° extension;
14. Slip left foot forward to left long stance to B with right straight downward punch, pulling the left ready fist near the left armpit, (Ki-hap!);
15. Withdraw left foot halfway toward right foot and then slide to C in a lateral shifting motion to right sparring stance knife hand guarding block facing D;
16. Lower right hand to a crossed arms block across chest (right palm downward block to left with left palm side block to right), immediately …
17. Switch arms to form a left low knife hand block and right high reverse knife hand outward side block at same time;
18. Slip right foot walking stance to D with a right palm deflecting block (bring right hand to front of left hip as if gripping Offender’s left forearm), continue …
19. Left elbow smash (face high) toward D; continue forward momentum …
20. Left high side kick to D; lower left foot toward D and continue …
21. Right reverse crescent kick toward D (spin 360°); lower right foot on line DC to left sparring stance to D;
22. Step right foot forward to D with high twin sword arm swing (left outward and right inward slash (Kokyu-Nage), continue pivot left foot tenkan to right hanmi toward C as left downward extensions 45° toward BC facing C;
23. Slip right foot right long stance to C with right outward sword arm cut (to elbow), and continue with left reverse sword arm strike (across face) as left foot steps forward to left walking stance to C (Tenchi-Nage), end with both arms palms extended downward 45° to BC;
24. Curl left palm inward and extend both arms to right as both feet pivot right toward B, slip left foot to left long stance to C with left high elbow thrust as pivot left and curl right hand inward and upward (chest high) toward C (Sokumen Nage), with circular arm extensions to C ending with both palms upward (Ude Otosh1);
25. Right-left jump turning kicks in air to C, end in left sparring stance to C;
26. Slip left foot to C with right twin sword arm circular slash, continue in 45° circle as right foot tenkan 180° to C until right arm points toward A (palm downward) as bring left hand to front of right shoulder (as in lrimi Nage); continue …
27. Right reverse sword arm upward 45° (as if across face) as left hand presses front of right shoulder (left elbow inward), step right foot forward to right walking stance to D to end with right arm palm downward 45° extension;
28. Slip right foot forward to right long stance toward D with a left straight downward punch, pulling the right ready fist near the right armpit, (Ki-hap!);
29. Withdraw right foot halfway toward left foot and then slide toward A in a lateral shifting motion to left sparring stance guarding block to B;
30. Spin clockwise with left tornado kick to B, to left sparring stance to B;
31. Left wrist release as pivot right foot tenkan to left twin open hands stance to A;
32. Step right foot forward and left reverse turning kick toward A (spin 360° around), lower left foot back toward B ending in right sparring stance to A;
33. Spin left back fist strike to A as left foot steps around left to A, continue …
34. Right inward low sweep kick to A; lower right foot toward A and immediately …
35. Left low reverse sweep toward A; (spin 360° touching floor with both hands), stand up to end in right sparring stance guarding block to A;
36. Slip right foot forward to right walking stance to A with right knife hand high block and left arc hand strike (throat high) at same time, continue …
37. Left mid-section knee smash to A as pull downward with right hand (gripping back of neck), left hand slips under to grip face from below (fingers pointing inward, right hand above in opposite direction); continue …
38. Lower left foot backwards toward Cina counter-clockwise turning movement as switch hands (pull left hand over right hand as if twisting head around) to end left palm over right palm in right foot forward sparring stance to D;
39. Lift and tuck left leg up to right one legged bending stance with twin forearm low side blocks as look over left shoulder and then left back kick to C;
40. Lower left foot in a stamping motion toward C with right knife hand horizontal slash toward D to end in right sparring stance to D; immediately …
41. Twist stance to right walking stance with left reverse punch to D (Ki-hap!);
42. Withdraw right foot to right sparring stance guarding block to D;
43. Spin counter-clockwise with right tornado kick to D, to right sparring stance to D;
44. Right wrist release as pivot left foot tenkan to right twin open hands stance to C;
45. Step left foot forward to C and right reverse turning kick to C (spin 360° around), lower right foot back toward D ending in left sparring stance guarding block to C;
46. Spin right back fist strike to C as right foot steps around right to C, continue …
47. Left inward sweep kick to C; lower left foot toward C and immediately …
48. Right reverse sweep toward C (spin 360° around touching floor with both hands) to end in left sparring stance to C;
49. Slip left foot to left walking stance to C with left knife hand high block and right arc hand strike (throat high) at same time; continue …
50. Right mid-section knee smash to C as pull downward with left hand (gripping back of neck), right hand slips under to grip face from below (fingers pointing inward, left hand above in opposite direction); continue …
51. Lower right foot backwards toward A in a clockwise turning movement as switch hands (pull right hand over left hand as if twisting head around) to end right palm over left in left sparring stance to B;
52. Lift and tuck right foot up to left one legged bending stance with twin forearm low side blocks as look over right shoulder toward A, continue right back kick to A;
53. Lower right foot in a stamping motion toward A with left knife hand horizontal slash toward B in left sparring stance to B; immediately …
54. Twist stance to left walking stance with right reverse punch to B (Ki-hap!);
55. Withdraw left foot to left sparring stance guarding block to B;
56. Right high twin sword arms extension swing clockwise as right foot tenkan 135° back toward BC (lkkyo Ura) with left palm downward extension and pull right hand to right hip (as if gripping wrist) to end in left sparring stance facing DA;
57. Slide left foot sideways toward front with a left sideways hip check to left diagonal stance facing DA, keeping the position of the hands, continue …
58. Step to right diagonal stance to DA, lower left knee and then right knee to floor to end kneeling facing front, knees apart, toes forward, keeping the position of the hands with left palm pressing downward and right grip at top of right thigh;
59. Reach right arm across chest (palm inward) as move left arm cross chest, grip right palm with inside of left elbow joint (as if pinning wrist in full control);
60. Lower left hand then right hand (as if placing palms on Uke’s back), stand up quickly with right foot then left foot to parallel stance, then immediately move right foot back to left sparring stance to front with knife hand guarding block;
End. Slowly return right foot forward to parallel stance
with a heaven hand.