Black Stripe Pattern

Koryo poomsae: Black-Stripe Pattern:
Koryo poomsae symbolizes “seonbae” which means a learned man, who is characterized by a strong martial sprit as well as a righteous learned man’s sprit. The sprit had been inherited through the ages of Koryo, Palhae and down to Koryo, which is the background of organizing the Koryo poomsae. The jumbi-seogi is the tong-milgi that requires mental concentration by positioning the hand in between the upper abdomen and the lower abdomen where “sin”[divine] and “jeong”[spirit] converge. The line of poomsae represents the Chinese letter, which means “seonbae” or “seonbi”, a learned man or a man virtue in the Korean language.
Techniques Introduced:
- Blocks: L-stance Guarding block, Walking and L-Stance low Block, L-Stance Pressing Block,
- Kicks: Double side kick, Front Kick, Single side kick
Strikes: L- stance ridge hand strike, Walking stance Punch, Walking stance Arch knife-hand strike, Walking stance knife-hand high front strike, Outer and Inner Knife Hand Strike.
- Step left with the left foot to turn left 90 degrees into a right Back Stance (i.e., left foot forward). Leftward Double Knife hand Block.
- Without stepping, quickly execute a middle-height Punch with the left hand
- Slide the right foot back into a left Back Stance (i.e., right foot forward). Right Inward Block.
- Step with the right foot to turn 180 clockwise degrees into a left Back Stance (i.e., right foot forward). Rightward Double Knifehand Block.
- Without stepping, quickly execute a middle-height Punch with the right hand.
- Slide the left foot back into a right Back Stance (i.e., left foot forward). Left Inward Block.
9b. Without stepping, Arc-Hand Strike to the opponent’s neck with your right hand.
10a. Front Kick with your rear (right) leg, and then step down into a right Front Stance.
10b. In the Front Stance, perform a Low Knifehand Block with your right hand.
10c. Without stepping, Arc-Hand Strike to the opponent’s neck with your left hand.
11a. Front Kick with your rear (left) leg, and then step down into left Front Stance.
11b. In the Front Stance, perform a Low Knifehand Block with your left hand.
11c. Arc-Hand Strike to the opponent’s neck with your right hand. Kihap.
12a. Front Kick with your rear (right) leg, then step down into in a right Front Stance.
12b. Knee Break: As you are completing the Front Kick, chamber the right arm in front of you with the open palm down; chamber the left arm back by the ribs with the palm up. The idea is that your right arm is going to then grab underneath the opponent’s calf and left the leg upward while the left hand strikes downward onto the opponent’s knee. (This is a tricky maneuver: chambering for the knee break while still recovering from the front kick.)
- This is a tricky turn: step forward with the left foot to 180 degrees clockwise into a right Front Stance and execute a middle-height Inner Forearm Opening Block.
- Slide the left foot back into a Left Walking Stance (i.e., left foot forward) and execute a middle-height Opening Block (i.e., an Inner Forearm Opening Block).
- Step back with the right foot to turn clockwise into a Horse-Riding Stance, look left and perform a single Knifehand Block with your left hand.
- Without stepping, Target Punch: Punch your right hand into the palm of your left hand – keep your left arm extended. You will turn your left hand slightly from the Knifehand Block position – imagine grasping an opponent with your left hand and holding him while you strike him with a Punch from your right hand. The knuckles of your right fist should punch the lower half of left hand (in other words, don’t punch the middle of your hand).
- Slide the right foot back into a Right Walking Stance (i.e., right foot forward) and execute a Low Block with your right arm, while pulling your left thrusting hand back to your waist into a fist as normal. The idea is that you’re pulling your opponent by the groin toward you, and then striking downward at his groin via the low block (so really this ‘block’ is not a block, it can be thought of as a strike to your opponent’s groin).
20b. Step forward with your right foot to pivot into a Horse-Riding Stance and perform a Right Elbow Strike with right fist pushed by your left open hand (i.e., the left hand is assisting the elbow strike). Do not enclose the right fist with your left hand; keep the left hand flat as it pushes against the right fist. THEN GOING LEFT…
- Without stepping, transition into a single Knifehand Block with your right hand.
- Without stepping, Target Punch: Punch your left hand into the palm of your right hand – keep your right arm extended. You will turn your right hand slightly from the Knifehand Block position – imagine grasping an opponent with your right hand and holding him while you strike him with a Punch from your left hand.
23b. Execute a Side Kick with your right foot. Again, turn your head left and strike a “Superman Pose” to chamber for the upcoming Fingertip Thrust.
23c. Pivot 180 counter-clockwise and put your right foot down into a Left Front Stance (i.e., left foot forward). Low Fingertip Thrust (i.e., Groin Finger Strike) with right hand while “grasping” your opponent with your left hand and pulling him until your left hand lands on your right shoulder
- Slide the left foot back into a Left Walking Stance (i.e., left foot forward) and execute a Low Block with your left arm.
25b. Step forward with your left foot to pivot into a Horse-Riding Stance and perform a Left Elbow Strike with left fist enclosed by your right hand.
- Low Hammerfist Target Strike : Slide your right foot next to your left so your feet are together and raise both hands above your head with palms facing forward. Bring both hands down in a circular motion. By the time your arms are horizontal, your palms should now be rotated to be facing the floor. When your left arm is horizontal, close the open left hand into a fist. Continue arcing the arms downward with the muscled side of your left fist striking your open right palm at the bottom of this circle. This is a slow technique and should take about 8 seconds.
27b. Without stepping, Low Knifehand Block with the same hand (the left hand).
28a. Step forward with your right foot into a Right Front Stance and execute an Inward Knifehand Strike (palm up, neck-height) with your right hand.
28b. Without stepping, Low Knifehand Block with the same hand (the right hand).
29a. Step forward with your left foot into a Left Front Stance and execute an Inward Knifehand Strike (palm up, neck height) with your left hand.
29b. Without stepping, Low Knifehand Block with the same hand (the left hand).
- Step forward with your right foot into Right Front Stance and execute an Arc-Hand Strike to your opponent’s neck with your right hand. Kihap.