Eui-Am is one of the 2nd degree black belt patterns used in ITF-style taekwondo. Eui Am is the pseudonym of Son Byong-Hi, a leader of the Korean independence movement in 1919 C.E. The 45 movements refer of this form to his age when in 1905 he changed the name of the Confucian religion Dong Hak to Chondo Kyo(Heavenly Way). The diagram for this form represents his indomitable spirit while devoting his life to the prosperity of his nation.
(Pronounced ‘OYl-AHM)
45 Movements
Begin in close ready stance at x facing front with
twin forearm downward side block.1. Move the right foot back to C to left walking stance with low right knife-hand inward block to D;
2. Move the left foot back to C to right walking stance C with high left outer forearm block to D, immediately …
3. Right middle punch to D, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
4. Left twisting kick toward DB, keeping hands as in 3;
5. Lower the left foot to left walking stance to D with a middle twin X-fist downward block (right forearm over left,neck high),immediately …
6. Right knife hand high block to D, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
7. Jump to a right X-stance to D with a right back fist strike to D while bringing the left finger belly to the right side fist;
8. Pivot left on the right foot as move the left foot to left sparring stance to C with left middle jab to C;
9. Right reverse hooking kick toward AC;
10. Lower the right foot to C in a stamping motion to sitting stance toward A with right knife-hand side strike to C;
11. Pivot right on the right foot and left side piercing kick to C while pulling both hands to in front of the belt;
12. Lower the left foot to left walking stance to C with high right inward turning crescent punch (ending with fist in front of left shoulder);
13. Left slow motion inward turning crescent punch while pulling the right foot forward to parallel stance to C (ending with fist in front of right shoulder);
14. Move the left foot back to D to right walking stance with low left knife-hand inward block to C;
15. Move the right foot back to D to left walking stance with high right outer forearm block to C, immediately …
16. Left middle punch to C, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
17. Right twisting kick toward AC, keeping hands as in 16;
18. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to C with a twin X-fist downward block (left forearm over right), immediately …
19. Left knife-hand high block to C, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
20. Jump to left X-stance to C with a left back fist strike to C while bringing the right finger belly to the left side fist;
21. Pivot right on the left foot as move the right foot to right sparring stance to D with a right middle jab to D;
22. Left reverse hooking kick toward AD;
23. Lower the left foot to D in a stamping motion to a sitting stance toward B with left knife-hand side strike to D;
24. Pivot left on the left foot and right side piercing kick to D while pulling both hands to in front of the belt;
25. Lower the right foot to right walking stance to D with a high left inward turning crescent punch (ending with left fist in front of right shoulder);
26. Right slow motion inward turning crescent punch while pulling the left foot forward to parallel stance to D (ending with right fist in front of left shoulder);
27. Move the right foot to right diagonal stance to D with a twin knife-hand wedging block (outward, neck high) to D;
28. Left circular reverse ridge hand middle block to BD, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
29. Withdraw the right foot to left rear foot stance to D with both palms downward block (right hand outside left hand belt high) facing D;
30. Slip the right foot forward to right sparring stance to D with left middle punch to D, immediately …
31. Shift back toward C in right sparring stance to D with right reverse ridge-hand inward low block, bringing the left fist in front of the right shoulder;
32. Move the left foot to left diagonal stance to D with a twin knife hand wedging block (outward, neck high);
33. Right circular reverse ridge hand middle block to AD, flexing the rear knee in the walking stance;
34. Withdraw the left foot to right rear foot stance to D with both palms downward block (left hand outside right hand, belt high) facing D;
35. Slip the left foot forward to left sparring stance to D with right middle punch to D, immediately …
36. Shift back toward C in left sparring stance to D with left reverse ridge-hand inward low block, bringing the right fist in front of the left shoulder;
37. Right high reverse hooking kick to BD;
38. Lower the right foot to in front of the left foot to a left rear foot stance to D with right forearm guarding block to D;
39. Left high reverse hooking kick to AD;
40. Lower the left foot to in front of the right foot to a right rear foot stance to D with left forearm guarding block to D;
41. Move the left foot back to the side rear of the right foot and then move the right foot back toward C to left sparring stance to D with left knife-hand low block to D;
42. Slip the right foot back toward C to left walking stance to D with right middle punch to D;
43. Move the left foot back toward C to right sparring stance to D with right knifehand low block to D;
44. Slip the left foot back toward C to left walking stance with left middle punch to D;
45. Right middle punch to D, flexing the left knee in the walking stance and then straightening it forcefully with the right punch (Ki-hap!);
End. Bring the right foot back to ready stance.